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FZ 2402

FZ 2402



The sound column FZ 2402 It's a acoustic box made of aluminum and projects frequencies over great distances. Recommended especially for environments that reverberate, so it is often used as part of the solution for sound for churches and auditoriums🇧🇷

It has high technology on board, with digital amplifier e internal DSP para otimizar a performance da resposta em frequência e o funcionamento do limiter.

É possível também expandir verticalmente o uso dessa coluna, conectando até quatro equipamentos para uma maior projeção sonora. Perfeito para quem deseja som completo e som profissional.

Color: White
  • - Passive speaker, column type with reduced width

    - Two-way with 16 2" speakers in the front and 8 2" speakers in the rear

    - Exclusive waveguide system. Allows horizontal symmetrical coverage over a wide frequency range

    - Cardioid coverage pattern. It has a back radiation canceling system.

    - For exclusive use with FZ Rack 4x 1600W

    - Hitch with Subwoofer FZ Sub 18A

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